What can happen
A quick explanation is that we are moving into the dimension most suited for us individually, and our planet is returning to balance, which will be catastrophic, but which those that hear me and a few others will be safe from. For me, and those of my neighbors and the remnant of humanity that survives to move forward, it will be that we all, along with Earth, move into the fourth dimension. For others who wish to keep the status quo of mankind dominating Earth without care, these folks will stay to learn karmic law in the second dimension until they are ready to move on - an individual thing.
Most of humanity will perish, will be reborn into the dimension of their need to continue learning. Many people will starve to death once our hoops mending goes on automatically via the change the Mayan calendar predicts, and the Earth has already reacted, returning to balance, causing our civilization as we know it now to be gone. These people will be unable to purchase vitamins, and so their nutrient requirements will not be met.
Most of our population will die as a direct result of leashes being yanked...before the Earth returns to balance...there will be unprovoked murders, suicides, etc. These are the majority of deaths that should be prevented. All it takes is knowledge! This is where it is helpful for the individual to learn how to recognize what leashes are, actually breaking yours, and how to know when humanity's owners are nearby (as I have shown in the section "I have been manhandled." See also "Get to know Them" in my other blog http://adoseoftraffic.blogspot.com/) This is where every single human being will be touched. There will be no one untouched by humanity's owners and the leashes human beings so willingly wear, I guarantee.
It is an individual choice, what happens to you.
Other things that happen as a result of the change the Mayan calendar predicts - Humanity lives in harmony once again with Earth. People will be glad to see another person after the planet returns to balance, when another person appears. We will be glad to assist one another. We again appreciate life in all forms. We again appreciate our children as the most precious to be cared for. There is no more sickness as we know it today. There are no more wars, period. Food and the necessities to sustain life will be given to those who require them, without charge, as long as these people cooperate with society. Our species moves forward to a time of intelligent technology, and we move beyond the technology that exists now. The internet survives. There shall be eight strongholds of humanity left on the planet's continents. These will be located:
South Africa
United States
Central America
The Bible says we will have only about 144,000 people left in the entire world that survive the change, in the book of Revelations. It is my fervent belief that we are in control of this change, and we can improve upon this number. Help to get the word out! Parents, alert!!! Mending hoops should begin immediately for all children! See entry, "The Way to Mend Our Hoops."
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