Sunday, June 25, 2006

Earth predictions

The people of Greenland will all die when the Earth reacts in 2011 unless these people get off the island. Go to Holland.The country of Chile will go under the water when the Earth reacts. California too. It is not safe at all in these places when the Earth reacts (predicted by the Mayan civilization to be) in 2011.

I have heard Earth moving, deep inside. The bliss is working. She's getting safer. Let's not let up - keep it up! There's much farther to go. Please know also the more bliss we feel, the safer Earth becomes, and besides the last eight strongholds of humanity, we will be creating the conditions for pockets of survivors. Let us do our best at feeling bliss.

I am the Angel of the Sun

I knew I was an angel long before I knew I was White Buffalo Woman Goes Singing. Many years later there was a time in my life when I felt as if every cell in my body experienced the book of Revelations. For this reason I feel very close to the knowledge offered in this book.
Let us open the book of Revelations to chapter 10.
I am the angel mentioned in chapter 10. The seven thunders means the leaders of the other strongholds, as I’ve written about in my entry “Predictions.” There is time no longer – this is the main message I bring to the public as I have written in “Who is White Buffalo Woman Goes Singing?” Now is the time to mend our hoops – NOW!
Mine IS the last call!
The reason the angel is portrayed as a male is because that’s how I’ve always felt myself to be. (Heh heh, I certainly did not expect admitting THIS to the public!) Though my body is 100% woman, my mind is much closer to a man’s mind than a woman’s mind.
One foot in the sea means I commune with all worlds. In the mouth sweet as honey – humanity will want to hear what I have to say. In the belly bitter – means something to all those who do hear my words.
Look soon for two people (not me) who prophesy for almost 3 and ½ years and then are murdered.
I know of the angel mentioned in chapter 12, and will greet her soon. I will take care of her son. He will lead many people. I am not to speak of chapter 12 except with the angel when I greet her.
Chapter 13 – the beast is a minion of Them. They will give her power. She will not change her ways. Verse 10 – “He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” I note this for all the people who should know that what goes around comes around, and we should “Do unto others as we would do unto ourselves.” The second beast is her mate. Verse 16, 17 means no more grocery stores for the righteous. The evil number will not be found on his body, but in his mind. It is the priority of materialism over all else.
Chapter 14 – This chapter tells about my people. I write about the 144,000 in “Who is White Buffalo Woman Goes Singing?” I teach the song. Verse 4 – “defiled with women” was added afterwards. It is not truth. Some are virgins, some are not. The Lamb is Christ. Verse 5 – These people will speak Truth. Verse 9Any man that thinks like the beast will die. Verse 10 – “…and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone…” describes how They treat people. Verse 13 – “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed ARE the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.” Mentally underline the word “henceforth” three times. Take this verse seriously. Verse 14, 15, 16 – Quantum Awakening, as in Ken Carey’s book “The Third Millennium.” Also known as the moment the Phoenix flies in Native tradition. We enter the fourth dimension at this point.
This is the moment the Mayan calendar predicts.
Verse 17 – the Devil. Verse 18 – Pele. Verse 19 – The third dimension. Verse 20 – They will squeeze humanity for food and it will be awful for those people.
Chapter 15 – The fourth dimension is seen. Verse 3 – songs I teach. Verse 5 – a place in heaven, not the fourth dimension.
My people need worry no further.
Chapter 16 – The third dimension, not the fourth dimension.
Chapter 17 – She was not originally called a whore, she was originally called abomination. This is Them. There was nothing to do with whores or harlots in this chapter originally. There is nothing wrong with being a whore, remember, Jesus dined with whores. Verse 8 – “The beast that thou sawest was, and is not…behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” See, They exist, but we see not Their bodies, as I have described in “I have been manhandled.” Now it makes sense! Verse 12 – This describes black magicians calling to Them.
This woman is the United States. My people and I will be leaving this nation before this time. I will make the call. You will KNOW when to find me. Wait until I call for you! Verse 16 “and shall eat her flesh” means the chicken noodle soup that does not require refrigeration product I write about in “I pray we won’t buy this product!”
Chapter 18 – punishment for Them in human form.
Chapter 19 Verse 17 – Not me, but my brethren. Verse 21 – He uses sound to destroy them all. See how important singing is?
Revelations was indeed known back at the dawn of our civilization. It was know how this experiment would end and who would play what part. God prepared well for his people, my people. Humanity willingly gave up our full functioning FOR A TIME (a time means the length of our current civilization) to improve in many specific areas…one of these areas being the length of humanity’s stay in the third dimension. We were not designed for the third dimension, we were designed for other dimensions. It was to be a short stay. Another area to improve upon was a desire to get clear of Them as fast as we could. Our species did not want to stay in the third dimension for long.
Revelations was left to comfort us during our limited state – we would KNOW when the time is right. Everyone I know senses it. Some sense it deep in their cellular structure, the knowledge in the cells alerting the mind to know when, clearly. We become alerted with certain clues, or events, and we KNOW what time it is.
ch 10 - 2006
ch 12 - roughly the beginning of 2008
ch 16 - December 21, 2011

Who is White Buffalo Woman Goes Singing?

This is the lady the Native Americans admire and respect. Admire, because of her legendary beauty, and ways (also beautyways). Respect because she brought the people much. (Oh God, how I love you so!) It was said she would return when the buffalo turned white. This is how she got her name.

She also is said to turn into a buffalo. There's more to this than meets the eye. I understand there is something to the name Buffalo that means steadfast and true. This I am. I am also a Taurus.

I am white, as in the white race of humanity. I had the legendary figure until I mended my hoop. I am still recovering. At this time I will see no one.

It is most important to me to save as many lives as possible. The Bible says in the book of Revelations that only about 144,000 people survive at the end. I think we can do much better. A million would be good. That's 856,000 more. I believe we can do it. It just takes getting the word out. People want to live.

What do I mean by hoop? In the old days with the Native Americans (who foretold of my arrival), when the white men came and broke the Native American's culture for all intents and purposes, the Native Americans cried to the Great Spirit for answers, and it was said the reason for this all was because the nation's hoop was broken. It's true, the white men did not act out of love, but out of fear of lack of resources. We all know what the white men have done. It is because the white men were operating at a lowered capacity, only ten percent of the brain functional because the white men's deoxyribonucleic acids were only working on two instead of twelve.

I bring the way to the people how to return to normal, 100% or better brain function, all twelve deoxyribonucleic acids operational. See "The Way to Mend Our Hoops." I live the example, it works! We are motivated by love, not by fear.

God is on my path. The universe protects me. The Great Spirit walks with me. Jesus is my friend. I was His nanny at one time. He is returning...for all.

When I talk about people, I mean humanity. Not just one or two races. I would like all races to be with me at the end to maintain the highest diversity of deoxyribonucleic acids. These bodies are like clothes we wear. The differences are utterly delightful!

When I talk about children, I mean all children. Many children will not have parents to mend their hoop for them, or, parents that don't care. It is up to all of us. We should all donate our powers of God to humanity in this way. May every child's hoop be mended! Then donate more so the children may feed well; nutrients will be at a premium. Remember, when demand rises, supply often dwindles. Invest now in 1. Vitamin B Complex 2. Vitamin C Complex 3. Zinc 4. All others. I took about forty of the B complex (important that it be properly balanced and not lopsided in any of the B vitamins) each day! You can see how this adds up. I almost died eight times from lack. One simply cannot eat enough food to sustain this kind of growth, so invest now! Everyone who reads this should do their best to assist the children, as I will do.

I can see my effectiveness really depends on your effectiveness. We should get the word out to every human being we know. Some won't be easily reachable. Try anyway. It is time to mend our hoops - NOW! It takes longer than you think! A year and a half is the shortest time possible, it can take much longer.


Everyone who has played a part on Earth before this time has returned. Know that fighting on our side is the new incarnation of Bruce Lee! Yeah! And Bruce Lee's new incarnation is a woman! Only when she gets her deoxyribonucleic acids back will she remember, and she WILL remember!

Standing Ovation!
Thunderous Applause!
(Chanting:) Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

The way to mend our hoops

From experience, we must currently use our powers of creation to mend our hoops. The power of creation lies within all who can climax. These are our powers of God. In the moment of climax, demand of the universe, "I want my twelve deoxyribonucleic acids!" It takes many, many, many times of doing this before one KNOWS it is complete. The individual is made aware.

During this, it is time to immediately begin purchasing vitamins, the more pure the sources the better. Most important of all are: 1. Vitamin B Complex, balanced and complete, the highest dosage possible 2. Vitamin C Complex (with bioflavinoids) in the highest dose possible 3. Zinc, chelated is best. 4. More than just these vitamins, all vitamins! Very soon comes internal reconstruction. It takes about a year and a half until all begins working as one within the body. This is the shortest time possible. Mine took much longer. It helps to sing with intention to grow, to hasten your growth

Know that parents should cry to the universe for their children to change, or their children will not change until after the Earth reacts in 2011.

Those that wait to change after the Earth reacts will not survive what going from two to twelve causes, because our civilization will be so changed, vitamins will no longer be for sale. Vitamins will not be procurable. INVEST IN VITAMINS NOW! All vitamins will be required, at about 40 times the normal dose for at least seven months.

The most important entry for you to read

To condense my entire message into one intent, it would be this:

1) Mend your hoop beginning today. Mend your children's hoops, especially. See entry "The Way to Mend Our Hoops." Soon it may not be so easy to do, for humanity's owners stand nearby. They do not wish us to grow.

2) Feel bliss at all times you can, it is our natural state, and it heals the planet. See entry, "How to know what to do in any situation" in this blog.

3) Learn when humanity's owners are nearby to avoid the pain and death They inevitably will cause. See entry "I have been manhandled." See entry "Get to know Them" in my other blog at

4) Remove your leashes so humanity's owners can control you no longer. See entry "Leashes" in this blog. See also entries "More about leashes," "Common Works" and "If you are successful" and perhaps more at There is more in my other blog: "Help for smokers and leashes in general."

5) Help to heal our planet beginning today. See entry "Helping Earth." Begin healing humanity. See entry "Repairing Humanity," all in this blog.


The leashes humanity willingly wears, and can break if we choose to:

*addiction to sugar, dextrose, corn syrup (NOT honey or maple syrup)
*addiction to caffeine in any form
*addiction to alcohol
*addiction to tobacco in any form
*natural mind altering herbs not taken in the sacred manner (peyote, marijuana)
*drugs of all kinds addictively taken (there will soon come the day they are no longer available)
*any physical addiction
*gambling habit

A leash can be easily identified as ANY PHYSICAL ADDICTION and any repeating mental pattern with resulting action not for survival (such as washing and rewashing and rewashing the hands for mental comfort).

Help with removing leashes

How many people will remove their leashes? This may be the best work any of us can do.

If one starts with sugar, the rest of the leashes come off much more easily. Only by quitting drinking alcohol was I able to kick tobacco. See, often leashes depend on another leash being in place.

Using the power of God will help to break any leash. In the moment of climax, !demand! "I am completely clear of all desire to _____ (put your leash in the blank)."

Once a day for a week will make a big difference. Make sure when you do this that you are altering your own behavior. One gets into serious complications forcing another to take off a leash, or forcing anyone else to anything, for that matter. This is how some people become impotent, or worse!

For the hard-core smoker-drinker:

Tobacco has been poisoned. We know this as Truth at deeper levels, too. To quit smoking tobacco: Smoke marijuana instead. For those that work: Nicorette gum is the least poisoned of all. Take it with you, and buy no cigarettes. Stay away from coffee – coffee kicked in the wanting for tobacco for me so hard! I could never truly quit tobacco until I completely quit alcohol, which was easy for me to do.

To quit drinking alcohol (for the hard core drinker): Smoke tobacco while you quit drinking (if you already smoke tobacco), then quit tobacco with marijuana.

To help a loved one quit an addiction, print this

Make sure your loved one knows these things:

Leashes on humanity = addictions. Our thinking is leashed, and can be yanked, and our thinking altered, at any time by humanity's owners. Therefore our behavior is changed as a result. Free yourself! Make your body and mind your own again! You deserve to be free!

The people who will survive most healthily through the end times will eat no sugars. They will keep to honey, maple syrup. If you can perhaps eat cookies or donuts once per year, and not ache over it, you are free of sugar addiction.

Quitting sugar will help in kicking every single other addiction out, I guarantee. It will make all other leashes come off more painlessly and more easily.

HOW TO QUIT SUGAR: Be gentle on the body. Sudden withdrawals include a two day headache and feeling miserable, not to mention it may cause worse. I recommend going more easily on the body: Gradually eliminate sugar over a month. For the first week cut out all added refined sugar, the second week cut out donuts, cookies and sweets and go heavy on the honey. The third and fourth weeks still go heavy on the honey and cut all hidden sugars (ketchup, spaghetti sauce, etc. unless you make it yourself). Bake with honey or maple syrup. Read the INGREDIENTS listing on every food before you injest. Avoid sugar, dextrose, fructose, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, polydextrose, maltodextrin. Lactose is fine to injest, it is not addictive like these others.

When you "need" a cigarette (or any addictive substance), it is Them (humanity's owners) pushing you around. Smoking (or taking your addictive substance) when you feel it is best, and dismissing it immediately when it is a "need," is a very easy way of cutting back on your addiction.

This is the same with every addiction, not just tobacco.

Offer ways, suggestions, help to your loved one. Envision those you love already free. Send this image to your loved ones often. It will help these people to win a victory.

Free your loved ones of their leashes by using love and acts of God (the power of God, see below), not directing, but suggesting modes of behavior not in keeping with their leashes. Over time, things will change for these people, and your suggestions will be clearly presented to consciousness in daily life. If these suggestions are freedom as according to life in general, it is entirely possible these suggestions will be acted upon. Anybody else involved will see the need to accomplish the suggestion. If these actions are taken on a repeating basis (not too regularly) then the personality is likely to change his behavior. Keep in mind the word freedom, for it must be available. Already a new behavior is acted upon? Yes. This is how we accomplish a goal - we see it as completed in the now.

How many people will remove their addictions? This may be the best work any of us can do. If one starts with sugar, the rest of the leashes come off much more easily. Only by quitting drinking alcohol was I able to kick tobacco. See, often leashes depend on another leash being in place.

Using the power of God will help to break any leash. In the moment of climax, !demand! "I am completely clear of all desire to _____ (put your leash in the blank)."

Once a day for a week will make a big difference. To guarantee freedom, I recommend utilizing the power of creation, or the power of God in this way, nearly every day until completely free of addiction. Make sure when you do this that you are altering your own behavior. One gets into serious complications forcing another to take off a leash, or forcing anyone else to anything, for that matter. This is how some people become impotent, or worse!

For the hard-core smoker-drinker:
Tobacco has been poisoned. We know this as Truth at deeper levels, too. To quit smoking tobacco: Perhaps smoke marijuana instead of tobacco, for a time, then later quit marijuana. For those that work: Nicorette gum is the least poisoned of all. Take it with you, and buy no cigarettes. Stay away from coffee – coffee kicked in the wanting for tobacco for me so hard! I could never truly quit tobacco until I completely quit alcohol, which was easy for me to do.

To quit drinking alcohol (for the hard core drinker): Smoke tobacco while you quit drinking (if you already smoke tobacco), then quit tobacco with marijuana.


"We heal ourselves, we heal each other.
With love all things are accomplished.
Can you see love everywhere you look?
That is the challenge.
Can you do it?"
- The Angel of the Sun

I've found I'm healing myself from several lifetimes of living in the third dimension, and I wanted to share this with you so you can benefit too.

I've noticed a repeating pattern in my life that was hurting me in more ways than I saw at first. After reading the following, I found what I KNOW is right, namely, Trust that the universe is unfolding perfectly for the needs of all beings. This was the cure for me! Pain is REQUIRED in the third dimension!!! Thank heaven for 2011. We are so close to the change the Mayan calendar predicts that we can now begin to live partly in the fourth dimension too, and in the fourth dimension, there's no more pain! That is, there is no more lingering and repeating pain necessary. Of course it will hurt if we bump our toe.

May you see the REPEATING PATTERNS in your life, and heal! That's why I bring you this:

Whether the patient is yourself, a loved one, or a complete stranger, his or her cooperation and straight-forward honesty are the keys to success in this part of the treatment. With enthusiastic spirit cooperation you may accomplish a perfect physical healing, but unless you also break up the mental cause, you will discover that the healing is short lived. This is what Jesus meant when he so often cautioned someone he had just healed, Go, and sin no more. He meant with this to discontinue the negative thought patterns that manifest as poor health.

So how do you discover your patient's mental cause? If it is yourself, by detached introspection; if someone else, by psychic communication and the art of conversation. Caution your patient of the need for directness and honesty, then ask a few simple questions like: "What do you resent the most?" or, "Tell be briefly, what are you most ashamed of?" or, "If a good fairy gave you a choice of one person or condition to be removed from your life, what would you pick?" As you learn to relax during such sessions, you will find that you receive psychic impressions which will also help in your understanding of the problem.

Now let's become fully aware of a most important point. You are not to be a judge! The Master cautioned us, Judge not, lest ye be judged. Then He demonstrated his practice of what he preached. For instance, there was His conversation with the woman taken in adultery. After they had been left alone, He asked her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee?
She said, "No man, Lord."
And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more. (John 8:10, 11)

No matter how terrible a confession may seem, if you show the slightest revulsion or condemnation, you will lose any ability to help your patient. Discuss all problems with warmth and understanding, and be ever alert to hear the voice within which prompts us to say just the right thing to help your patient reach a new insight. This new understanding is a major factor in the success, since the spirit world is bound to respect an individual's wishes. In other words, it is only when your patient wants to change his thought patterns and asks for help, that a permanent cure becomes possible.How the spirit world helps break old reaction patterns:OK - now your patient wants to change, and wants spirit help to accomplish it. Logically it's time to assist him in asking for it. First call on your own spirit teachers and ask them to invite your patient's teachers to join in prayer. Then pray aloud somewhat as follows: "Infinite Spirit in its own way and through the agency of our wonderful helpers from the spirit world, is helping Joseph (your patient) to break up all his negative mental and emotional patterns now. His mind is becoming highly sensitized to notice his negative tendencies before they get a chance to manifest as emotions, thus he can choose to react with divine light and love to all situations. He is inspired to find the hidden good in all his experiences and seek always to let spirit express through him as harmony, health, wealth, peace, unfoldment and fulfillment. Thus he turns to God, and God answers with showers of blessings. We sit in the silence now, giving thanks for these wonderful changes."

After a reasonable pause, repeat your prayer, then pause again. Continue until you or your patient feel some form of definite response from spirit. Spirit will always respond by sending positive thought vibrations to the mental body and soothing energy to the emotional body. Your patient may feel a wave of warmth pass through his physical body, or he may describe it as a tingling feeling like a mild electric shock. Others will simply feel a sensation of peace stealing through their being. If you have done your work properly, there will be a response from spirit!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Reader's update - 93 million

93 million is my readership, I understand. That is, people that have read some of my words here, perhaps not all.
If I could just get across the GRAVITY of having a leash on - ANY leash, the closer to 2011 we get...humanity would go through very little aches and pains in this transition. As it stands at this moment, however, 85% of humanity dies.
These deaths are not necessary! We have what it takes to End this, if we could simply remove our leashes!
Wouldn't it be great to have your whole neighborhood intact over the transition?
I am showing the way!
Please be aware that when I speak of figures like this, we are dealing with probabilities. We survive in many alternate universes. The alternate universe that the greatest amount of people INTEND to inhabit will be the probable universe most congregate in. These numbers are to give you a feeling of where humanity is directing our overall vision toward at this time.
Let's look higher! Save more of humanity! Remove leashes, and IT SHALL BE DONE!
What can you do in every now to get you closer to that which you desire? The answer is yours.
NOTICE! In all dimensions DOUBLE the 144,000 predicted in the Bible is guaranteed to survive the End Times! We have done well, but I am still hoping to multiply the 144,000 not by just double, but by ten times. We can do it if we get the word out that by breaking leashes and mending hoops, all can survive Armageddon.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Help for people with pain

Here is help for anyone who has pain. It's called the MAP team. This is a team of spiritual doctors who come to visit whenever one calls, and will remove pain if one listens. Simply wish these doctors to you with strong desire. I learned this from a woman who suffered the most horrible pain with cancer. I know from experience these spiritual doctors can remove all pain (or at least lessen it) and help to heal the original complaint, if one wants to know how and listens.

The MAP team will first take a look at your body. This takes a little time. Then these spiritual doctors will make suggestions. These doctors might tell you to turn this way, put your leg over there, stick out your tongue, and viola, your headache is gone. Once I had a chiropractic adjustment by turning as suggested, and my back pain was over! Sometimes I have been told to envision myself basking in colored lights. I've had nutritional recommendations (more calcium required), and more. Be sure to listen to advice that is spoken in the kindest way possible, and makes sense. These spiritual doctors will not tell you to hurt anyone, including yourself.

Healing repeating patterns and more, permanently

"We heal ourselves, we heal each other.
With love all things are accomplished.
Can you see love everywhere you look?
That is the challenge.
Can you do it?"
- The Angel of the Sun
I've found I'm healing myself from several lifetimes of living in the third dimension, and I wanted to share this with you so you can benefit too.
I've noticed a repeating pattern in my life that was hurting me in more ways than I saw at first.
After reading the following, I found what I KNOW is right, namely, Trust that the universe is unfolding perfectly for the needs of all beings. This was the cure for me!
Pain is REQUIRED in the third dimension!!! Thank heaven for 2011. We are so close to the change the Mayan calendar predicts that we can now begin to live partly in the fourth dimension too, and in the fourth dimension, there's no more pain! That is, there is no more lingering and repeating pain necessary. Of course it will hurt if we bump our toe.
May you see the REPEATING PATTERNS in your life, and heal! That's why I bring you this:
Whether the patient is yourself, a loved one, or a complete stranger, his or her cooperation and straight-forward honesty are the keys to success in this part of the treatment. With enthusiastic spirit cooperation you may accomplish a perfect physical healing, but unless you also break up the mental cause, you will discover that the healing is short lived. This is what Jesus meant when he so often cautioned someone he had just healed, Go, and sin no more. He meant with this to discontinue the negative thought patterns that manifest as poor health.
So how do you discover your patient's mental cause? If it is yourself, by detached introspection; if someone else, by psychic communication and the art of conversation. Caution your patient of the need for directness and honesty, then ask a few simple questions like: "What do you resent the most?" or, "Tell be briefly, what are you most ashamed of?" or, "If a good fairy gave you a choice of one person or condition to be removed from your life, what would you pick?" As you learn to relax during such sessions, you will find that you receive psychic impressions which will also help in your understanding of the problem.
Now let's become fully aware of a most important point. You are not to be a judge! The Master cautioned us, Judge not, lest ye be judged. Then He demonstrated his practice of what he preached. For instance, there was His conversation with the woman taken in adultery. After they had been left alone, He asked her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee?
She said, "No man, Lord."
And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more. (John 8:10, 11)
No matter how terrible a confession may seem, if you show the slightest revulsion or condemnation, you will lose any ability to help your patient. Discuss all problems with warmth and understanding, and be ever alert to hear the voice within which prompts us to say just the right thing to help your patient reach a new insight. This new understanding is a major factor in the success, since the spirit world is bound to respect an individual's wishes. In other words, it is only when your patient wants to change his thought patterns and asks for help, that a permanent cure becomes possible.
How the spirit world helps break old reaction patterns:
OK - now your patient wants to change, and wants spirit help to accomplish it. Logically it's time to assist him in asking for it. First call on your own spirit teachers and ask them to invite your patient's teachers to join in prayer. Then pray aloud somewhat as follows: "Infinite Spirit in its own way and through the agency of our wonderful helpers from the spirit world, is helping Joseph (your patient) to break up all his negative mental and emotional patterns now. His mind is becoming highly sensitized to notice his negative tendencies before they get a chance to manifest as emotions, thus he can choose to react with divine light and love to all situations. He is inspired to find the hidden good in all his experiences and seek always to let spirit express through him as harmony, health, wealth, peace, unfoldment and fulfillment. Thus he turns to God, and God answers with showers of blessings. We sit in the silence now, giving thanks for these wonderful changes."
After a reasonable pause, repeeat your prayer, then pause again. Continue until you or your patient feel some form of definite response from spirit. Spirit will always respond by sending positive thought vibrations to the mental body and soothing energy to the emotional body. Your patient may feel a wave of warmth pass through his physical body, or he may describe it as a tingling feeling like a mild electric shock. Others will simply feel a sensation of peace stealing through their being. If you have done your work properly, there will be a response from spirit!

My other blog

Please also see my other blog:

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

What can happen

Someone asked what I predicted about the year 2011, and what will happen. It will be a highly individual experience. Some will wish to sacrifice their lives to assist others. Others will hide well, some seemingly all alone. Many will assist Earth with this change, singing to help establish Earth's stability through helpful human frequency. I have seen in a vision exactly what will happen to me at the moment of dimensional shift: Sinkholes are the most serious phenomena that surrounds me. All else is peaceful. Life moves forward.

A quick explanation is that we are moving into the dimension most suited for us individually, and our planet is returning to balance, which will be catastrophic, but which those that hear me and a few others will be safe from. For me, and those of my neighbors and the remnant of humanity that survives to move forward, it will be that we all, along with Earth, move into the fourth dimension. For others who wish to keep the status quo of mankind dominating Earth without care, these folks will stay to learn karmic law in the second dimension until they are ready to move on - an individual thing.

Most of humanity will perish, will be reborn into the dimension of their need to continue learning. Many people will starve to death once our hoops mending goes on automatically via the change the Mayan calendar predicts, and the Earth has already reacted, returning to balance, causing our civilization as we know it now to be gone. These people will be unable to purchase vitamins, and so their nutrient requirements will not be met.

Most of our population will die as a direct result of leashes being yanked...before the Earth returns to balance...there will be unprovoked murders, suicides, etc. These are the majority of deaths that should be prevented. All it takes is knowledge! This is where it is helpful for the individual to learn how to recognize what leashes are, actually breaking yours, and how to know when humanity's owners are nearby (as I have shown in the section "I have been manhandled." See also "Get to know Them" in my other blog This is where every single human being will be touched. There will be no one untouched by humanity's owners and the leashes human beings so willingly wear, I guarantee.

It is an individual choice, what happens to you.

Other things that happen as a result of the change the Mayan calendar predicts - Humanity lives in harmony once again with Earth. People will be glad to see another person after the planet returns to balance, when another person appears. We will be glad to assist one another. We again appreciate life in all forms. We again appreciate our children as the most precious to be cared for. There is no more sickness as we know it today. There are no more wars, period. Food and the necessities to sustain life will be given to those who require them, without charge, as long as these people cooperate with society. Our species moves forward to a time of intelligent technology, and we move beyond the technology that exists now. The internet survives. There shall be eight strongholds of humanity left on the planet's continents. These will be located:

South Africa
United States
Central America

The Bible says we will have only about 144,000 people left in the entire world that survive the change, in the book of Revelations. It is my fervent belief that we are in control of this change, and we can improve upon this number. Help to get the word out! Parents, alert!!! Mending hoops should begin immediately for all children! See entry, "The Way to Mend Our Hoops."

This is the last call

Only those who change (mend their hoops) BEFORE the Earth reacts in 2011 will survive going from two to twelve deoxyribonucleic acids!
Know that parents should cry to the universe for their children to change, or their children will not change until after the Earth reacts in 2011.

I have been manhandled

They call people "stupid." They don't like us. They look down on us. The "They" I speak of are, They hold the majority of Their focus in another dimension, but They absolutely play a part in our dimension - They are humanity's owners. I have come to help clear humanity from Them, and very shortly They shall no longer play a part (except for humanity in the second dimension).
How did it feel? Think of a steel rope going in through your right nipple, and coming out your back, except it's a rope of energy instead of steel. It feels like steel. That's complete control.
They control our dreams if They wish. But you can always tell They're around because of the language, the feel, the putdowns, the abuse of the human body, the sneers. They carve our cattle, and much more besides. We "think" we know Them. How little They let us.
They have fed on our body's energies of fear and pain for all of history that we know. Not just us, animals and plants too! Things will soon change for everyone. Humanity's owners will HAVE to find a new food source, because of the change the Mayan calendar predicts. We will all change, as I have explained. Things will not be the same.
Mankind has hope. Unique abilities will spring up in all who mend their hoop, as I did, and we will transform the pollution, purify the air, and live in harmony once again with the Earth, as it was meant to be.
I intend that all my neighbors experience Them no more. It will happen.
Remember, the book of Revelations has a HAPPY ending!

Not for the faint of heart

There are people on the planet right now that kill for no reason. These are the people that will be first to have their leashes yanked (yanked in order to create fear and pain in the populace, which energies are fed upon by humanity's owners). Next come the overly abusive. There are also people who kill animals and during killing them, wish harm upon a human being. These will be the third section of the population that have their leashes yanked. So many people will die here. All the rest of our leashes get yanked later.

California will go under the water. The country of Chile goes under the water.

We are here to bridge this time with the time after the change the Mayan calendar predicts in 2011. Our deoxyribonucleic acids are important. We've got to save as many people as we can.

There will be deathwalkers among you, those that show beings the way from this world to the next. Help them to do their work. Assist them in getting their food. Yes, I am a deathwalker, and I will train others.

Be on the lookout for Them, humanity's owners. This may save your life! See my entries "I have been manhandled" and "Leashes" to learn when They come near you. Click on May 2006 under Archives on the sidebar, and scroll down to see these entries. Stay away from Them, humanity's owners. See "The key to divine power" also in the archives to learn how to keep Them away.

Only those that have mended their hoops before Earth reacts will survive what going from two to twelve creates. See "Mending our hoops" so you can change as soon as possible. Know that parents should cry to the universe for their children to change, or their children will not change until after the Earth reacts in 2011. Most of the rest of humanity dies after Earth reacts, of starvation, because then the universe will automatically mend our hoops for us, and those without vitamins will suffer.

Only a small remnant of humanity survives all this. I will be there. I hope you are there with me. There will be only eight strongholds of humanity left on all the planet. I will gather one of these.

The good news: It will indeed be a new day. Our current civilization will no longer exist. People will consider each other precious once again. All life will be seen to be sacred. Children will be practically worshipped. Because of our body's return to normal physical functioning with twelve deoxyribonucleic acids, there will be no more sickness.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

What to do in times of trouble

Talk to posterity, within. Listen patiently, and posterity will give you the answers you need...such as "Go over here. Be quiet now," etc. See also my entry "Listening" and "The meaning of silence" in my other blog:

How to know that we are doing the right thing.

It is time now for us all to utilize our talents, our gifts, all our resources for humanity's healing and rescue. It is up to us.

Do that which you love to do, and you'll be doing the right thing. Do this for humanity and Earth. Humanity is destined to continue!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Black artists

Humanity's owners are to be considered lower life forms. The reason is They have materialism as their decision making factor. Human beings SHOULD CHOOSE divinity as the decision making factor. Many do not.

I am here to get even the people who used to do black magic into the new day. Our deoxyribonucleic acid is so important, words cannot convey the information. This means you, and you know who you are.

Here are hints for you folks:
1. Stop killing as much as divinely possible.
2. Feed Them when you know you should
3. Safeguard your children, even if it means you must pretend your child is "Missing" and cannot be found. This is what I would do if I were in your shoes.
4. There are people that want out of black magic, too. Perhaps you are in a position to ease these folk's ways out.


Clues so you can identify

I once met the most beautiful child, and she looked terrified when she told me the story of how her family was into black magic.
She's dead now. She became a sacrifice to Them in black magic practice to gain power, and the power gained lasted for only two weeks!
If I could meet her all over again, I'd take her home with me forever.

Here are some clues so you will know when perhaps a black magician is near you.
This comes from experience:

1) Obvious clue: The ugliest threats are made. I was threatened with having my home burned down with me and my boyfriend in it. Subtle clue: An arrogant attitude abounded, such as, "I own you," or, "I can do anything to you because you're a second-class citizen."

2) My dog's life was threatened. In my opinion, a person who has a dog as a pet that is obviously dearly loved cannot be a black magician, for black magicians sacrifice dogs on a regular basis. You can't do that and love dogs at the same time.

3) Trival matters were threatened over and over again with the police, such as, if we did not keep the dog inside when his cat (which attacked dogs!) was outside. My boyfriend was told to "keep his woman in check," when I called this bluff. The authorities being called for little or no reason is another clue.

4) Their child was dressed in a sexually suggestive fashion. At the time I reasoned it was because mom wished she looked that way when she was young. (Mom was the magician.) I thought perhaps dad was simply proud of his little girl (he was a severe alcoholic) in an unusual way for a dad. Now I see that the child was treated more as an object, a possession, than a person.

5) The children of such a family show fear, as I have written above.